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Saturday, November 5, 2011

I don't like Maracas.

You know.  The "instrument."  The Noisemaker commonly used in Mariachi Bands.
Grumble Grumble.

I went to the Dining Hall the other night and there was a Mariachi Band.  Also, my friend NICK was there, and NICK wanted to be personally mentioned on my blog.  There you go NICK.

So I thought the drums I heard were coming from a particularly loud stereo system on the first floor of Knight Hall---but as I entered the dining hall it became very clear that the music was coming from INSIDE.  Gritting my teeth, I walked in confused and a little annoyed.  The music was too loud.

I spot my friend NICK as well as some other friends, and start to eat my crappy dinner.  Now, food at the dining hall is normally crappy- that's a given, but today they had a burrito bar that looked delicious.

So what's the problem?

The line for said burrito bar did not look nearly as appetizing.  

So I had a lukewarm burger. EW.  But a girl's gotta eat.  

I explained to my friends why I don't particularly like Mariachi Bands.

I went to a restaurant with my boyfriend.  A Mexican restaurant in Litchfield called Senor Panchos.  Which is funny, because my boyfriend's parrot is called Pancho.  Also, it's not really my boyfriend's--it's his dad's-- and Pancho hates my boyfriend.

ANYWAY: I was at the restaurant, enjoying my nachos (my boyfriend and I have a thing for good nachos) and there was a live mariachi band in the restaurant.  As opposed to the dead kind.
This band was going table to table and asking for requests.  I dreaded the moment they made it to ours, and when they got there- I insisted I didn't know any mariachi songs.  So my boyfriend throws his hands in the air and yells "La Cucaracha".

Countdown to Embarrassment:
5, 4, 3, 2, Embarrassment Imminent, 1

The Band put the friggen' sombrero on him, gave him a set of MARACAS, and went to town playing "La Cucaracha".

Now, I look back and think I was a pretty good sport.  I even laughed about it.  But I bet you I was bright red and I know I wanted to sink into the floor. 

Hence- I don't like maracas, mariachi bands, or "La Cucaracha".

And I'm sitting at the dining hall, and I'm thinking, of all things we could bring in to enrich the dining experience- my first choice would be better food. 

But that's not an option so my second FIRST choice would be those Hibachi stations.  My imitation of a Hibachi guy cracked NICK up.  I admit, it was a little wild.  But it was much more entertaining than the mariachi band.


See what I mean? WAY cooler.  Knives everywhere, fire that looks like dragons, and food that tastes good because it is made by a chef.  IN FRONT OF YOU.  So you can see what he's trying to pull.  Which at the moment seems to be to burn your food to a crisp- but it's ok because it's awesome.  

After my friends left, I went to go sit with other friends, because I was still on a quest to get a decent dinner.  I really really wanted a bagel, but the toaster was situated a little to close to the band, and I had two of my guy-friends threatening to force me to dance if  I made a dash for the toaster.

So I never got my friggen' bagel.  

But back to the main issue: which I need to think about for a second.  I mean--I was hungry---but what the heck?  Making me dance?  Really?  

I did go a little wild at the Halloween Dance.  But I'm allowed to do so.  And it was a DANCE.  Not a grimy dining hall with a crappy mariachi band and an EMPTY STOMACH.  

I'm starting to think my hunger was the root of the issue here.

They never did get me to dance.  That's the way the world works boys-  I dance, but not to Mariachi.

Want to see a pic of me ready to go to the Halloween Dance? Sure you do.  You're on MY blog.
You can't see really, but my hair was curled-POOFED-and teased.
You know, because Hermione Granger has bushy hair.

And I did dance at that dance.  Freaked people out.  They didn't know I could be such a fun person.  Also, they didn't know that I knew the Soulja Boy.  OF COURSE I know the Soulja Boy.   There's a white-boy tutorial online. The things me and my boyfriend do when we get bored.  

I just went to find the tutorial, and I can't find it.  Too bad for you.  

BACK IT UP- do you know how insulting it is to be told that "I didn't know you could be this fun"?

It is.  I am a fun person.  Just because I don't choose to share it with you so often doesn't mean I'm not fun.  So there.

More about that later.

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