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Sunday, November 6, 2011

The name of my blog...

...is a song lyric I heard and liked.  For a number of reasons.

1. I like Linkin Park, and it's from a Linkin Park song called "Forgotten".
2. I like the visual it creates.  Think about it, in a dark area, a beam of light makes it's way through.  That crap is powerful.

Why do I think so?

A small spot of light on the floor is where a dog turns to take a nap.  You know how they always manage to find sunbeams.

Light on the floor in a dark room, it's like something to hold on to.  And I know as long as I can let the feelings out SOMEWHERE---I guess writing acts as a tether to my sane self.  Because I frequently border on the insane.

The following is not funny in any way shape or form: please feel free to skip it.  Just jump to the second set of stars.


I find I have a lot of those ropes tying me down.  One of them is the song "Endless Night" from the Lion King soundtrack.  I've mentioned it before.

I know that the night must end
And that the sun will rise
I know that the clouds must clear
And that the sun will shine

I've been told that's a strangely optimistic view for such a pessimistic person.  Whatever.  There's another line in that song:
I'm trying to hold on....To end this nightmare...
Strangely fitting, for someone who has gone through bouts of depression.  Maybe that's why I get so upset when people try to mold me into an unhappy person. Figures.  Labeling----don't do it.


Still with me?  Anyways, off of the tangent.

I guess I liked the name of the blog because I knew I was starting a blog, couldn't think of a name, and it started to get incredibly frustrating.  Like- really frustrating.  I hated everything I heard, despite my Pandora playing, and I'm not nearly original enough to come up with something on my own that hasn't already been taken or isn't just plain stupid.

So there you go.  That's where the name of my silly little blog came from.  And despite it being silly, I still have people reading in Slovakia, Latvia, and other crazy places like that.

While I should be flattered- I know I'm not QUITE that interesting....

What is wrong with you people?


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