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Saturday, October 22, 2011

I do way too much.

It's the truth.  I spend my "easy" day (Friday) running around campus putting up posters, running around with a beagle, and then getting on all fours to scrub the kennel floor of stupid tape adhesive from Open House.  I spent my "easy" day literally on my feet until 6 o'clock at night,  at which point I sat down, locked my door, and refused to do anything but read.

...Only to make part of a costume for a friend at 10:30.  Yeah, I just don't stop.  I don't mind- I don't think I'd be the same person if my life weren't so crazy.

Have you ever heard the phrase "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"?  Well I have.  Because it describes my normal day.  Here is the origin of that particularly juicy phrase:

Like a chicken with its head cut off


In a frenzied manner.


Poultry may sometimes run around frenziedly for several minutes after decapitation.
The phrase was known in the USA by the late 19th century. It is recorded in print being used as a simile from the 1880s; for example, this piece about an escaped prisoner in The Atlanta Constitution, July 1882:
"Finding himself free from the heavy shackles, he bounced to his feet and commenced darting about like a chicken with its head cut off..."

Well that was enlightening for all.  How gross is that?  Running around like a decapitated chicken?  How come they can still play after losing their heads.  Chickens must really piss off the Red Queen.

Moving on.  So I'm a busy person, we've already addressed that.  If you need something done, ask the busiest person you know- because they are the person getting things done.

But for the love of all that is furry- STOP ASKING ME.

I could say that "I have a life" in my rebuttal: but all in attendance know for a fact that it's simply not true.  I have a hectic frenzied life pleasing other people.  Strange, since I profess to hate the human life around me.

Let's not consider that now, it's too confusing.

So what have I been doing?  Lets consult the planner- full of my commitments and blog thoughts.  I had quite the eventful week...to me at least. Don't judge.

So I had two tests on Monday, plus 2 hours of beagle training, plus a candy apple program at 7 pm.
I made a Jack-O- Lantern Apple because I'm awesome.  That is all.

Marshmallows and Chocolate sprinkles

Reese's Pieces and Chocolate Chips

So that was fun.  I played the Lion King Broadway Soundtrack and blew the other girls out of the water with my singing.  Reference my earlier posts- I DOMINATE AT SINGING THE LION KING.

Tuesday I just had a crapload of classes, and I finally got to do my speech in Public Speaking.  I got an A.  He (my teacher) said it sounded nice and rehearsed.  OH GOSH- I WONDER WHY?  Maybe it had something to do with having almost 4 weeks to work on it because you kept letting people talk for 25 minutes when it was supposed to be a 4-5 minute speech.

Wednesday was supposed to be easy too, but I can't really remember why it wasn't. Oh right.  That whole not being able to take a nap that I've been looking forward to all week thing.  That was obnoxious.  I also had a Hall Meeting and Rounds that night.  Fun fun.

After rounds I woke up remembering homework I had to do for mythology.  I started to do it and was told on Facebook that I in fact, was WRONG, and it really was due Tuesday.  After that I couldn't fall back asleep.  A lack of sleep just does wonders for my already tepid personality.

Thursday was busy and I went to a friends program where I got practically punched in the face and flour thrown into my eyes.  Don't ask.  My right eye is still all puffy and red from it, and everyone keeps asking if I'm high.  Please see earlier post "I HATE POTHEADS".  Seriously.  You couldn't pay me to get high.

Also, on Thursday, my Criminology teacher admitted to assigning us random grades for midterm.  Get this- he doesn't want to look bad because he hasn't given us any graded work, so he had to give random grades to everyone. So some people have C's all the way down to F's for no good reason.  And he sees nothing wrong with that. MY BRAIN CELLS ARE DYING FROM THE STUPID.   How does anyone think that that's ok?  It's not my problem you just want to show movies in class!  But I get an A- for no reason.

I know, an A- is not a bad grade.  But I can only get two a semester to maintain my scholarship- so one FOR NO GOOD REASON kind of upsets me.  Just a little bit.  Like- I want to punch a wall a little bit.

That and financial aid finally paid me my check that day.  Not through the direct deposit they say is mandatory because they have all the forms they made me fill out and they COULDN'T possibly give me a check, but through a check sitting in my mailbox.

I will never ever ever understand why my life screws with me like this.

And then we get to Friday.

TGIF.  Right.  About that, it should really be TGIS- because I don't get a break until Saturday.

You already know about my Friday.  I did a whole bunch of crap blah blah.  But I also agreed to clicker train a cage of lab rats over winter break and come back and guest lecture to the lab animal class about lab animal enrichment and training.  Which is actually pretty exciting.  But they also need people to foster more animals.  So I emailed home and asked my mom if she'd mind an extra cage of rats in the house or a guinea pig or....and her response was "The More the Merrier".  She's just as bad as I am with the business, none of it phases her.

So I can't sleep Friday night, wake up today, go to a crappy brunch, hope to do laundry, find out all my girls stayed for friggen midnight madness so I am pretty much shut out of the laundry room, and I proceeded to make posters for the kitchen.

....and that brings us to this moment in time, as I write about my pitiful life and listen to Pandora, which wants to play unnecessary depressing music.

Woo go LIFE.

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