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Saturday, November 5, 2011

And my trick for today....

I'm gonna make you laugh.  Or rather, this picture is:
Click the picture, you NEED to read the text at the top.
Yeah.  I died laughing.  And the more I look at it, the more I laugh.  While I don't really condone the language, I can't help but see the guys point.  

Well.  That's that then.

Now I'm gonna get all pissed off.  Leave if all you wanted was the cheap laugh.

Still here?

So we all know that I can be a pissy, grumpy, bitchy, all-around-complaining type of person.  But I can also be a happy, hyper, smiling and active person.

And that's what people don't want to see.

Going back to the Dance that I mentioned last post: it freaked people out that I was having fun.  Why?  Isn't that what you're supposed to do?  Why is that so terrible?

There's this one person that just can't handle it.  He wants to mold me into the "grumpy Jenny" that he THINKS he knows.  Well let's get something straight here BUDDY:

1. You don't know me
2. You don't deserve to know me
3. There's a reason I'm always pissed off when I'm around you

So this guy has the audacity to approach me while I'm having an absolute blast at the dance and pull me aside to tell me how he's glad to see me happy because I almost never am.

Excuse me?

In THAT condecending voice?
In THAT pity-ing manner?

Warning: Foul Language Ahead.

Now- maybe it was playing right into his hands to be pissed off- but COME ON.  What a jerk!

So I whip around and tell him that there's a fucking reason that he always sees me pissed off.

To which he replies "Oh good, glad to see you're back".

I wanted to punch him in the face.  How dare  he?

I decided to just turn around and keep dancing.  I proceeded to win a dance off and impress the hell out of my residents.  I know I earned a hell of a lotta respect in Lane Hall that night.

So fast forward a couple of days.  I'm sitting in a classroom with some people after an Animal Health Club meeting, and talking to another girl that I sympathize with greatly. I would say I was sitting with some friends, except Major Mood-Killer was also present.

Anyway- this other girl, she maintains a 4.0 just like I do and understands what a disappointment a 3.9 is.  I start to mention that I do have my mental breakdowns- but they are also scheduled- 3 a semester.

And he interjects "3 a day".  I look at him and say- quite clearly I might add- "No, 3 a semester."  I then turn to continue my conversation, and he chooses to stick-foot-in-mouth and reply yet again-

"No, 3 a day"

And then that piece of crap laughed.

Well well well.

I turned to him, and said:

"You know (name omitted), there's a reason we don't get along".

I said it in my most disdainful voice, while trying to maintain indifference.

It got rather quiet after that, so I just continued my conversation with my friend.

I haven't really talked to him since.  He's attempted to talk to me, but I'm at the point of ignoring him unless he really has a problem.  And then, I only do that because I'm obligated, and I in fact, DO have a heart- despite what he thinks.

In fact, it shows how much of a heart I have when you look at the amount of time I put up with his bullshit antics.

Just because I'm usually stressed, doesn't mean I don't have a heart.

In fact, it usually does.

It stresses me out when people come to me, having a tough time, and they cry.

Because I care.

It stresses me out when my family is struggling because we are losing puppies due to parvovirus.

Because I care.

It stresses me out when I realize I may have hurt a friend.

Because I CARE.

Not all stress is bad.  If I didn't feel stress because of these things, I wouldn't have a heart.  Maybe I'm stressed and I'm not always happy because I really do care about other people, and I don't like them to hurt.

Maybe you can be happy because you don't care to carry that on your shoulders.  Maybe you've found the magic way to hear all of these things and not care--shrug them off--- but I haven't.

I've made an effort this year to be more social, to be more active and engaged, and to drop all the guards and be just a little bit more myself.

...and some people have noticed.

My stalker friend admitted to his friends that I'm much better this year.

Well you are too, stalker-friend.

I guess that's why this kid upsets me so much. I've tried so hard to just be a little bit open, a little bit more free.  Did I mess up his world- being myself?  What the hell is wrong with me being happier?  Why the hell do people think they have a say in my personality?

I like having fun.  I just don't have a lot of time for it.  I like being with my friends.  I'm just so busy.  I like being happy: but I have a lot of stress.
I guess this is getting long.  Ranting has a tendency to do that.  But hey, I have a right to be upset just as much as I have a right to be happy.

It's usually not a good thing if you make it onto my blog.  Because I know that I bitch and complain.  Well, welcome to the club kid.  You are officially on my bad side.

You're not alone.

Funny stuff next time, I promise.

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