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Sunday, November 6, 2011


I am now aware that even my family reads my blog, so when they protest that they didn't know what to get me- I will see straight through THE LIES.

So, I'm turning 21 in 21 days.  

I'm not bar-hopping or anything.  I'm enjoying Thanksgiving, with my family and with my boyfriend's family.  I'm drinking wine with a nice homemade Italian dinner.

It makes bar-hopping look like a rather grungy way to celebrate the big 2-1 huh?

That's alright.  We already knew I was classy.  Sometimes.  When my filter is working- and when you can get me to actually wear something besides jeans and a hoodie.

GAH.  I'm classy on the inside.


I will be celebrating at home, which is of course my first birthday wish.  However, I will be back at Becker that night, so I guess it's the best of both worlds.  

My other birthday wishes:

I wish...

  • For people to leave me alone when they are clearly not wanted.  
  • For a Kindle.  Either that new one or one with 3G. But mostly the new one- the Fire one.  But I really want 3G- Oh I don't know.
  • For a fun shopping trip.
  • For nail polish in fun colors.  But not orange.  Ew. Orange.
  • For permission to have pets in the residence halls (inside joke with RAs).  Never gonna happen.
  • For hair that doesn't knot.
  • For a metric crap-ton of iTunes giftcards.  It's time for some new music.
  • For less headaches and more sleep.
  • For stupid people to realize that they are stupid and actively make changes..Like buying me iTunes giftcards.
  • For a Jeep Wrangler in a bright color.  Automatic.  Please.
  • ...You know, it could be any color really....
  • ...And I might be able to learn stick-shift if you actually got me the Jeep...
  • Oh- and a full tank of gas in the Jeep would be pretty cool...
  • For a new pair of plain black flip flops.  BECAUSE MY OTHER PAIR GOT BROKEN BY SOMEONE. Grr.  
  • A poster of Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds.  And Fox Mulder from the X Files.
  • A really fluffy bathrobe.  FLUFFY.
  • A llama.  
  • Horseback Riding Lessons. Preferably private so I can pester the instructor about training and behavior.
  • A bonsai or cactus garden for my room.  They're so pretty.

You got it.  Make it happen people!
Not one of these Jeeps.  Do it and you will regret it.  I have no shame and
 no problem forcefully throwing kids out of my new Jeep.

Because you only turn 21 once, just like every other age...

Don't forget my llama.

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