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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So my day continues to surprise me, and I continue to surprise myself.

For those of you who aren't RA's at Becker, you probably haven't noticed that I've been trying SO HARD to volunteer, be involved, and generally do a good job.  You might not have even noticed if you are on the staff, unless you're Whitney, WHO IS STARTING A BLOG THAT I WILL REMIND MYSELF TO POST HERE!  Sorry.  When I see that on my page I will remember, for when she gets her first posts up and going. Feel free to ignore the caps lock.

But (anyways)- in Whitney's words- I'm a "beast".  Hahah.

Who knows if anyone else has noticed.  But I've tried to be more active and social, but in my own ways, with my own limits, by my own choice.  I'm still not going to throw parties, I'm not going to be the loudest, most excited person around, but I will make the effort to have fun for myself.

Last night we had Convocation.  And the ceremony was good (our college president quoted Eminem-so yeah), and I was feeling alright.  Then we had a social up at the Hawk's Haven and the RA's may or may not have started a water fight that got me and 2 others completely soaked with icewater from the drink bucket.

And it was fun.

I was laughing my ass off, and playing, and dancing, and joking.  I got frosting smeared across my forehead by a resident (totally playful) and I didn't mind one bit.  I got soaked through (bra and all) and I didn't feel pissed off.  I may have even agreed to go out to a club with a friend, but who knows if that's still happening; she insisted that Friday would be a good day, but I thought that was only 21+.  Whatever, that's not the point. The point is that I have nothing to wear to said "club" anyways.  Just kidding.

Even after all that activity, I left with an RA friend, and went seeking out more socialization with more people.  And it was also fun.  Like me, some of my friends from last year seemed to have changed, in my opinion, for the better.  Who knows if I've changed for the better, but I'm happy for some of the people I got to hang out with last night.

So to continue my "newfound" spirit, I wanted to wear something different this morning.  I have several summer dresses, nice shirts, and the like.  So I tried them on, one by one, but never felt comfortable.  What if people felt I was trying too hard, even though I just wanted to maintain my own feeling of happiness?  What if I actually looked bigger in that dress then I thought? All these thoughts persisted and of course I ended up in a loose shirt and jean shorts, with the standard flip-flops.

I guess all of me can't change.

But- here comes the irony.  Within minutes of leaving the hall, I got probably 15 compliments on my shirt.  My  freshmen year of high school, ratty shirt, which I threw on because all of my trying on of nice clothes made me self conscious about my body once again.  The shirt in question?

Literally everyone loves Avenged Sevenfold.  True Story.

Irony accomplished.  Also accomplished? Awesome book covers made out of scrapbooking paper that cleverly disguise my wrong-edition books so the teachers don't gripe on me for saving almost $100 dollars to buy the exact same freaking text.

Oooooo, Ahhhhh, saving money.

Speaking of saving money, one of my residents wants to use the white T-Shirts all the first-year students got at Convocation to do Tie Dye, you know, so we don't have to buy shirts.  I have a house full of geniuses.  (Disclaimer: it's probably just her, I just like to brag).

I'm sure as the semester goes on, and the stress piles on (Maintaining a four-oh isn't easy) I will become less social.  But for right now, I can have fun.

Plus, in a lot of my classes I have people I know----Like "friends" people I know.  I don't know why I was surprised by this.  I am a Junior after all.  In a school this small, I should know people.  

But I was surprised.  Maybe I was just surprised about how happy it made me.

But I also am taking a class where a whole section is on Harry Potter. Be jealous.  It's brand new, a mythology class, and I know a good amount of people in it.  One of the people I know was the very first person I worked with at the Becker College kennel, and the other is another RA.  The kennel-girl (no names unless they have a blog like Whitney) likes to read aloud- so she read us half of our first chapter.  Pretty nice. So we'll have study sessions.  It'll be good.

And then they come with me to Public Speaking right after. 

Another RA is in my Nutrition class. Pretty nice.

This post is pretty long, so even though I still need to thoughtdump, maybe I'll wait until midnight when the thoughts are all jumbled and see what tumbles out.

Until next time...

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