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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Not sure what to write about- taking a shot at it anyway.

I was up at 6:00 this morning because today is check-in day for first year students at Becker and I have the first shift.  I just want to say, whoever gets here at 7:30 on the dot is pretty friggen dumb and shouldn't have gotten into college anyway.  Puh-lease.  WHO DOES THAT?

Lane is still awesome as always. Maybe I'll post some pictures of my decorations.  It's all tropical up in here.
I made that flower. Just sayin'
I drew this too. I'm that good.
Raffia door curtain did not want to stay up.  

Wait for it....

Wait for it....

Still waiting...

I did the entire staircase! (with the help of a resident)
To Icebreak or not to Icebreak...that is the question.
So all in all, a whole mess of tropical luau. Wooo.  I even have leis.  I'm not gonna take a picture of that.  Maybe later.

So training was fun-ish...it's still training.  But I have wicked awesome pictures of me 50 feet in the air! woo! They are not great pictures of me as a person though, so be kind.
I look happy right?  I believe at this moment
I was trying not to throw up from being so scared.
This is 50 feet in the air.
So I have all this crap to do and all sorts of crap to talk about but my mind is so jumbled it's not happening.  Move-in day is hectic as all crap but I think almost everyone is here.  I think I may have to return to this whole blogging idea after everyone is here.  

But- on another note, for another time- Becker assigned me to train 4 beagles! YAY!

You're jealous. But these aren't the actual beagles.  Pictures later.

I'm cheating on my Duncan with 4 other beagles.  

Ta-ta for now.

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