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Friday, August 5, 2011

Because Curly Fries are WAY better than Potato Wedges.

For those of you that know me, read me, or have passed me by, you know that I have bad luck.  For those of you that know Becker College, you know that we have bad food (and good food comes along only so rarely).  But when these two things combine, I get that trampled and downtrodden feeling that you can only get when you miss out on Curly Fries.  Oh yes.

I am not the only one that feels this horrible, stinging pain.  When googling for a picture of curly fries, I stumbled upon this blog.

In fact, his whole blog is called "Curly Fries Fiasco".  Now that I feel unoriginal, moving on!

The problem is, the jock-like guys at Becker are feeling the sting of losing all the time because they suck. They also like to eat their feelings, as well as the entire offering of curly fries right before I get to them. Because I'm clearly an epically patient person, I just decide to go back up later to get curly fries.  BUT NO, I'M NOT ALLOWED THAT DISTINCT PRIVILEGE.  What do they replace them with- everyyy time? Potato wedges. Just for those that don't understand- THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.  So, for the past 6 times, I have missed out on Curly Fries.

But this past spring semester, I got my curly fries.  For the first time ever, on a Tuesday night, they were there waiting for me.  I was ecstatic.  CURLY FRIES.  So I had curly fries, a hot dog, and root beer.  It was like fair food!

Yay Curly Fries. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. So true! I feel like 90% of all non-jock Becker kids have experienced this.


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