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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Being around people gives me a lot of posting material.

So! Everyone is moved back into Becker, and about 70% of us have survived the first week of class.  The other 30% or so were eaten by the rabid bunnies that live under May House.

Just kidding, they aren't rabid.  They are wicked cute though.

I've gotten bad enough where if I have a funny thought, or a bitchy thought, or just a thought at all (it's always an accomplishment, especially in light of some of the company I have here at Becker), I've taken to writing it down in my planner.  You know, the one's overworked people like me need to stay alive, or we self-destruct.  So my list of thoughts are:

-why do people that have no friends tend to cling to me? What kind of reflection is that?
-Girl in my Law Class-STFU
-Misdemeanors=Mister Meaners
-I love Mythology!

Now, in order as can be given my thought patterns:

I wonder sometimes...these people that act all high and mighty and pretend to be popular and in demand, why- when they are suddenly out of their element- they find me.  This typically happens on the Worcester campus.  Yes, I am a Worcester Academic Center veteran.... No, this doesn't mean I want to hang with you.  But it happens.  Like seriously- aren't you 20 years old? Can't you hang out by yourself? Is that so bad? Or have you warped your self image so wildly that you rely on human contact just to feel sustained? Weirdos.
Then there are those that see me eating by myself and feel sorry for me.  I feel sorry for me too.  You just ended my nice, peaceful lunch by forcing me to carry a conversation while eating with a mere acquaintance.

I'll admit, I've been seeking out people more often lately.  I just hope I can never be classified as "Clingy".  Plus, we all know as soon as I have a definite schedule for Beagle-Time the whole hanging-out-with-people-for-fun thing is going to take a nosedive.  Let's just be honest- it's gonna happen.

Moving on...

I love my law classes.  I didn't know I was so good at it until last fall, when I took Criminal Law.  Now I'm taking Issues in Law and I expected it to be just as fun.

Well, I have the same professor, the material is engaging, the book is easy to read, etc.  BUT THERE'S JUST ONE PROBLEM.  There's this chick, in the very back row, that needs her mouth stitched shut and a lobotomy.  No joke.  I don't know who let this chick out of her cage, but she can't control her outbursts in class.  I know I learned to raise my hand like, in kindergarten.  This knowledge has either escaped her, or she feels above such necessities.
Raise your hand if you know how to raise your hand!

Wanna know something else I also learned?

To think before I supply an answer.  To at least attempt to organize my thoughts.  To not shout out offensive, emotion-based, and just plain stupid answers that make others lose faith in humanity.

Unfortunately, with this concept, she also has a problem.

IT'S SO SIMPLE.  Give a short definition of "conservative".

My Thought Process:  To conserve, little government, less involvement, small government, less meddling, less programming through government sources...etc.

Her Shouted Out Answer: So Like, A conservative would be someone who like, hates all women and black people, but especially Mexicans, so they don't let people have food and they're all rich and stuff, and they are like all in Texas, so they can guard the border, and they vote for Donald Trump, because he'll definitely be the next president the way this is going, And I think that conservatives are all just rich jerks who hate girls like me who have to maintain a 3.7 just to be recognized in college, because I definitely deserve more, and I should get more................

You get the idea?  I felt like shooting myself.  It only got worse, but I'm not going to re-write the rest of it because I will fall prone to exaggeration because at some point my mind started screaming:

Oh the pain, oh the horror, oh DEAR GOD THE STUPID PEOPLE!
At this point the professor must have stopped her, and despite the horde of dying brain cells in my head, I focused on what he was saying.

Oh would you look at that. (Direct from my notes, which are pretty much verbatim)
"Conservative: aims to limit government involvement in people's lives, including taxes."

The problem is I have to deal with this all semester.  I already feel like a might have a trauma disorder from dealing with the one stupid answer.   HOW CAN PEOPLE BE THIS IGNORANT?  

Moving on...

So this one is really short.  My Criminology teacher pronounces Misdemeanors as "Mister Meaners"  so I'm giggling into my planner as I write down the "homework" because all I can picture is this:

This is Mr. Meaner, he would like to attempt a burglary, but he's too dumb. Oh Mr. Meaner!
Tee He.  Think what you want of my thought-processes, all I know is that they keep me entertained.

Moving on...

I love my Mythology class!  I have to look up urban legends for homework tonight OR I could interview a bunch of people about why they think Lane is haunted and use that as my homework assignment.  

How cool is that?

One last thing, and this is for my pseudo-stalker, my awesome ex-colleague of Hampshire Hall.  If you read my blog, which I know you did at one point, there will be notes on my window for you this evening when you attempt to creep.  Maybe we'll have a nice little thing going by the end of the year. I write you nasty little things on my window, you continue creeping.  The world keeps turning.

You could even try to look the part.

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