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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Rabbit has Expensive Taste.

Other qualities include:
-general asshole-ness

Bialy is funny.  His full name is Bialystock, as in, from The Producers.  If you haven't seen The Producers, go to a show, or take your pick of two different movie versions.

Pictures you say? I'll give you your stinkin pictures!
The Bun in Question.
He looks sweet doesn't he?  It's to lull you into a false sense of security.  In fact, I have 5 dogs, but out of all my pets, including my pit-bull mix- I would want Bialystock by my side if there was ever a home invasion.

That's because he's a jerk.  The first thing he did when we took him home was bite both me and my mom.  But he's not like that anymore, he just pretends he's gonna bite.

Don't get me wrong.  I love my rabbit very much.  In fact, I prefer animals with a slight psychotic edge. It's just that I never would have pinned bunnies of all things to be aggressive angry little things with an agenda.

I should amend that.
I used to love my rabbit.

Everything was ok, he liked to chew on anything cardboard, hide in my closet and lunge when I tried to get him out, chew up my blankets, and destroy months worth of acquired animal-related articles for Animal Health Club, but we were still o.k.

I've written previously about my love of the X-Files, and on this particular night, Don and I had been watching another episode.  

And then my computer alerted me that it went into power saving mode. 


And I look down, and my computer charger had fallen off the desk.  It just grazed the floor.  And my bunny, my little Bialy, had part of the cord in his mouth and had sliced it through.

I threw a legitimate fit.

I had just gotten the laptop, to get another charger would take overnight shipping, as I was leaving for school in two days. Oh yeah, and I'M BROKE.

I yelled out a strangled "BUN BUN" and chased him around the room.

Here's the thing, when Bialy is in trouble (like when he chews up articles and books and clothes, rather then his DEDICATED cardboard box) and I yell "Bun Bun!" he gets insanely happy.  Like frolicking, jumping around, skipping happy.  If you've ever seen a bunny get ecstatic over something, it's hilarious.  But not after they destroy your stuff.  

So I yell, and he skips around. 

But I was out for blood.

So I chased him into his cage (he lives in a modified XX-Large dog crate) and slammed the door shut, and declared that there would be no more yogurt drops for a week.

That lasted long.  He got one the next day.

I stomped back to my computer, where Don was already looking up new chargers.  

But I'd had it.  Technology apparently has decided to stop agreeing with me.  I've gone through... I don't even know how many phones in the past year.  They all just mysteriously stop working.  One got a cracked screen, on the inside of a flip phone, when it had just been in my purse....say what?  And the other one the screen just stopped working.  In fact, you could get a faded picture if you pressed the screen down.  This last one, it stopped charging.  Just wouldn't accept a charge, and it wasn't the battery, it was the phone's charge port. You know, that part that you can't just fix or replace.

My last laptop was on hospice care, and I bought my new one to make sure I had a reliable laptop on which to do school work.  The one before that came with the Becker laptop program, and was defective.  The fan stopped working and the hard-drive and CPU fried because of it.  But I guess that's normal for the Becker laptop program, which is why it's no longer offered.  They only decided to screw us up until Fall of '09 apparently.  

So I love my new laptop.  It's wonderful.  So the fact that my Bun had effectively caused harm to it enraged me and snapped my last nerve.  I'm pretty sure I had a mental breakdown concerning why nothing for me stays working and functional, and my boyfriend eventually stopped trying to calm me down and just found me another charger online.

It doesn't change the principle of the thing though.  I know that "shit happens".  I'd just like to add that, increasingly, "shit happens...to ME".

So my bunny and I get along again, but only because I love animals and all that crap.  It doesn't change the fact that he chews on things that are NOT his designated chewing box.  I suppose he needs to work on that and I need to work on my temper.

And you know, I thought when they chewed on cords they could get zapped. But nope, he gets away zap-free and frolics at his accomplishment of destruction.

I have the new charger and life is good.  Bialy gets his yogurt drops and all is well. For now.  

Next post will probably be about RA TRAINING.  Oh YAY.  I love to train dogs but my feelings change when people try to train me.

1 comment:

  1. haha this reminds me of a cat that I once had that ruined everything of mine. I always acted like I hated her but when it came down to it I really did love her because she was my cat and I have an irrational soft spot for animals as well. Animals > Humans.


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