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Monday, August 1, 2011

I never thought I would say this but...

I want to go back to school.  I'm Becker-Sick.  I want to go to a place known for its outstanding lack of interesting things to do (yeah, that's you Leicester) and I want to go now.

See here's the thing.  I got screwed hard as far as summer jobs go.  I had two lined up that both fell through.  Whaa whaa whaaaaaaaa (sad trombone).
For those that don't know the sad trombone sound- You wont know how to use this link anyway. Jeesh.

I did o.k. as far as money, but not having a full-time job ensured that I would be interacting about 90% more with my family.

As most college-age people know...this presents a problem.

Working was never something I thought I would miss.  Just like Becker.  Maybe I'll explore that later.  But being 20 years old and living at home is like trying on your high-school self all over again and realizing none of that crap works for you now.  Your life doesn't exist in the terms of your hometown.  You've worked hard to make life at school the best it can be for you, only to have to be transplanted back to (insert hometown here).  It's like being put back in a smaller pot inside after you got planted outside. IT DOESN'T FIT.

You don't interact with your siblings the same, or your parents. Trying to help out and err on the side of adulthood and responsibility only seems to get you in trouble because you were interacting and they aren't used to that anymore.  And yet if you hide in your room you know that your parents are making comments about laziness galore.  The result is a deep set alienation that both sides studiously ignore.

Woo for "transition periods"

When these thoughts of actually missing Becker first crept into my head I dismissed them.  Maybe I had a fever because that shit is crazy.   But they kept reoccurring and nagging and I couldn't really deny that I did want to go back, and I wanted my year to just start already.

Maybe it will make more sense if I explain:

  • I have a king size bed and the biggest room on the Leicester Campus- to myself.
  • I am an RA in my first choice of building
  • I now have a kitchen (read: upgrade from microwave and gross toaster oven)
  • I am co-president of Animal Health Club, and I get along with the other co-president really well
  • My class schedule is ideal, with sleeping in possible and fewer shuttle rides
  • Oh- and I'm going to be getting one of my degrees in the Spring.  Not that that is anything to be excited about or anything like that......!!!
So OF COURSE I want to go back.  I have it made.  I fixed everything so it is my way this semester, but first I have to wait out summer awkwardly at odds with my high school self in my room.

So yeah, I want to go back and sit through two weeks of RA training despite the awkward icebreakers and the boring and the general yuck that is any sort of training.

I want to go back to the town where the major highlight is a Dunkin Donuts and a friggen Wal-Mart. Whatever.

And despite being an introvert- I really kinda miss some of the people at Becker, even though I know after two weeks they will be annoying the shit outta me.

God I sound like a whiny bitch.  

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