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Monday, August 29, 2011

I might have blogger's block. Ugh.

But I'm going to write about my new RA experiences: two days in.

So the very first night residents were here I got hungry at like - 9 pm.  I thought "hey, I should let them know I'm leaving", so I said "Hey guys I'm going to the Haven I'll be back."

Silence, then...."What's that?"

Me :  *thinking* Oh Crap.

Me: "It's a snack bar style thing on campus"  And I go to continue walking out the door....

My Nice Shoulder Angel: "Maybe you should invite them along...."
My Evil Shoulder Angel: "NO! WE MUST EAT ALONE!"

Finally:  "Would anyone like to come?"


Well craptoast.  So I waited for everyone to get shoes on.  Then I sent most of them back for their I.D's, so they could actually buy the food.  All in all, 10 of my 18 residents came to the Hawks Haven with me.

It looked like this:
But it felt like this:
Yes- that is me. At Busch Gardens. With the Lorikeets.  It sounds like a murder in  "Clue"
So I showed them around and told them what they could get, all the while "Simo" (a campus Po) is laughing at me and the guy at the register (Who now apparently calls me bacon cheeseburger because that's my favorite) is rolling his eyes at me.

Don't get me wrong.  I had a good time.  I just cried myself to sleep- that's all.

Just kidding, I totally didn't. Cry myself to sleep I mean.  I just needed alone time after all of that. 

I actually like that my new residents immediately bonded and decided to just listen to whatever I say.  In fact, they've already suggested Sunday Night Dinners on their own dime and Jersey Shore nights and study sessions in the common room and Community Service programming.  

If you're wondering, no, I'm not dreaming and, yes, I did pinch myself to check.

In other news, in my New RA World, everyone thinks Lane is really haunted.  Which is fine, because no one is bitching over the laundry (which is amazing in an all female-dorm) because everyone is too afraid to go in the basement.  Ghosty- WIN.

The stories I've heard so far are:

Windows opening by themselves, in an upward (not outward) fashion.  Please note: this was during Hurricane Irene.


A water bottle falling off a desk when it was in the middle of the desk before.

That's about it.  

So, in summary, ghosts are regulating the laundry issue, and instituting a buddy system, while I battle Duckling Syndrome in my effort to secure a moment to myself.

All in All, I like living in Lane a lot.  The girls are pretty cool, and when I get pissed that ramen is left in the sink and leave a note: it actually gets cleaned up before housekeeping gets there.  Pretty Cool.

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