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Thursday, January 19, 2012

For the record...

...Despite the fact that I didn't post any picture son my blog yesterday due to the blackout/SOPA protest thing...


......I looked awesome yesterday.

Just throwing that out there.  I didn't choose to blackout that post because I looked like a bridge troll yesterday.   

However, that was in the morning, before.....THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES.

Yes.  Those things that you have to do if you want a degree.  Classes.

I'm a nerd, and I happen to like school.  But for whatever reason, the first day of classes stresses me out to no end.  I am on red alert in my head and I go into every classroom thinking the teacher is a nutcase that will assign 3 bajillion essays and I'm gonna die...OR WORSE:    lose my 4.0.

My face when I get a 3.9

Of course, I have good reasons to think this way.

Remember in elementary school you always got dressed up for the first day of class?  First it was your mother doing it (maybe) and then you just continued the tradition.

You wanted to impress your teachers, and your peers.

"I'm DIFFERENT this year" you thought.  You wanted to be new and interesting.  (Unless you were already popular, in which case: SCREW YOU)

Yeah, right.  I shouldn't have aimed for "DIFFERENT." I should have aimed for "BETTER".

As the years progressed it just became ingrained: I must be awesome the first day of classes.

Well my friends, that's what we call pressure.  And pressure breeds stress.

But I digress...

Another, very important, reason why I stress: I have had classes that I think are going to be fun and easy that end up taking all of my time.

2 separate finals for Mythology anyone?

No one wants that one class that takes up all of your time and energy.  Especially when it takes up more time than all of the classes for your major: combined.  We've all had that elective.  We all never ever ever want to have it again.

Back to my day:

So I go to my last animal care class ever (weird?  I wont be a double-major anymore after this year).  Of course, everyone has warned me that I'm not going to get along with the teacher at all.

I'm thinking "She doesn't seem so bad."

But isn't that what we all think, in the beginning?

I then go to my Humanities elective, a course called America in the Contemporary World.

That should tell you something right there.

I'm sensing large amounts of busy work looming ahead.  For one: he's assigned three books.  None of which are on the bookstore website.  

So of course I don't have them.  

Other than that, the course sounds interesting.  It seems more like an international relations course than what is described in the course description, but then again when are those things ever completely accurate?

I'm listening to some of the goals of the class and thinking that I'm really glad my boyfriend is a Politics and Government major with a lot of interest in International Studies.

It's nice to know I'll have a proof-reader for my 3-bajillion essays.

I know... I know,  I should lighten up...

I'm surprised ResLife hasn't pulled a stunt like this with me yet:

I found this when looking for "first day of school" pictures.
Guess I'm not the only one.

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