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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Anddddddddddddd IT'S 7:30 IN THE MORNING.

I'm awake.

Drinking a Coke ZERO because the vending machine has been sold out of everything else since BEFORE winter break.

Waiting for residents to move in LATER because of course there had to be a STORM.

Wearing tan colored jeans that are two sizes too SMALL because I don't have khakis.

Freezing my ASS off because both doors to my room are wide open.

Wondering if I should turn my music OFF.

And then leaving it ON anyway.

Thinking that no one can see my blue POLO, and that no, I can't pop the collar.  What a stupid thought.  I did it anyway.  Just to experience the stupid.
U mad Bro?

Remembering I have to make MANDATORY hall meeting signs. Does 8:00 sound good? I don't know.

Wondering if throwing my fuzzy bathrobe OVER my hoodie and polo is a violation of our dress code, because I know the temperature in here is a violation of at least one of my personal codes.

Looking down at my cold soda and thinking I'm awful STUPID for not drinking tea instead.

Being too LAZY to go make tea regardless.

Shivering, shivering, and more shivering.

Thinking I could have PROBABLY slept in, because really, who's going to check on me in this weather?

Remembering that I have a  conscience and NO BALLS; so clearly I'm going to get up regardless.

Maybe a NAP wouldn't be so bad though?

Though if anyone were to get caught it WOULD be me.

Knowing the rest of the RA's are ALL thinking the same things.

Hitting my bruise on the desk.  You can't really see it but it's friggen GREEN.


Life is good.
Except for Coke Zero.  That crap is BAD.

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