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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Adjectives, Action Words, etc.

I don't like re-writing resumes and writing cover letters.

Quite frankly, I feel like there's really no good way to describe some of the things I do.

--One of my residents comes into my room bitchin' about her life.  I let her vent and offer her my epic bean bag chair to sit on.
.....................Counseling? I think not.  More like "skilled at being a decent person as needed".


Cause let's be real.  That right there?  I'm no counselor- That's not counseling.  That's....being someone understanding.  How do you write that on a resume?  Or a cover letter?

Can't I just write "Hey, my girls like me, I got RA of the month, I don't miss deadlines, and my programming is stellar"?


Interpersonal Skills, Punctuality and Organization, Programming and Community Development.

Big words people.  Big words.

And action words. And adjectives.

But mostly stress.

I mean, if I leave some of my animal experience in, does that imply that I think all of the residents are animals...?

Well..now that I think of it...

Regardless of whether or not that's the truth, I can't really imply that.

But dog training is so relevant!  Well, it is in my mind.  Positive Reinforcement!  Associations! Teamwork and Cooperation!

...No?  Yeah... well I tried.

If I wasn't a decent RA you wouldn't have rehired me the first time!  Or hired me period...

How about:

"I like my job.  Can I please have it back?"

Wayyyyy too simple.

So we'll see how the big words work out.  I'll know come March.

Wish me luck!

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