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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh hey, February!

You know what February means?  It means I've had this blog for almost a year.  Technically, I started this blog last year on February 24th.  I just checked.  I really didn't know that offhand, that would be weird.

Oh February.  Everyone hates you.

Mostly because of Valentines Day.   People are awful bitter when they don't have someone to spend it with.  I'm surprised no one really looks at it like Halloween:  even if you're not invited to that awesome Halloween party, you know ALL of that candy is going to be on sale in Wal-Mart the next day.

And who doesn't drown their sorrows in chocolate?  Let's not consider me here.  I don't like chocolate.

But hey,  all of you single/recently dumped people!  That's a lot of cheap candy!  Who cares if it's got "I Love You" embossed in chocolate?  It's not like it will re-open any emotional wounds or anything!

Oh, it will?  Sorry about that.

I know I shouldn't talk.  I haven't been single for a Valentine's Day in ages.  But my boyfriend certainly won't be around for this one (that whole separate college thing).

Poor February.  Yeah, maybe you have Valentine's Day, and everyone not in a committed relationship hates you.  But...

You also have the PUPPY BOWL!

Oh my god GIVE ME THE PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annnnnnnd that's a beagle.  Game over.  Beagle wins!

Moral of the Story: puppies fix everything.

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