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Friday, February 3, 2012

My thought for the day: I wish it was socially acceptable to wear capes in public.

Really. That thought actually crossed my mind.  It's not my fault some chick in the dining hall was wearing a friggen' poncho and when she walked away it looked like a woolen cape.

Wool is not the traditional material for capes, but you get the idea.

(Apparently ponchos are a hot Halloween item)
Oh hell yes.
Oh god.  I've stared at the word cape long enough to decide it's a weird word.

Moving on.

Anyway, she's walking around in a dull-grey colored poncho....
...stop right there:
              WHY THE HELL IS YOUR PONCHO GREY?  You actually dare to wear a friggen' poncho, but you don't get into all of the cool colors?  

Anyway.  She's walking around in her lifeless, colorless poncho: and as she walks away it billows behind her. 

Her mac-and-cheese certainly wasn't heroic (I know, I had some), so why the billowing?  Only capes should be allowed to billow.

Or Hogwarts school robes.  

Anyway.  If capes WERE socially acceptable, I'd wear one all the friggen' time.  I'm like my mom, swooping in and fixing things.  (Really, she'll walk in singing "Herrrrrrrrrrre I come to save the DAYYYYY)

Case in point: today I'm in the dining hall and my friend comes up to me and says his zipper is broken...

 (On his JACKET, god you guys need to get your minds out of the gutter)

...so of course I fix it.  

I'm doing stuff like this all of the time.  And running around campus LIKE A BOSS, doing a little bit of everything, and doing it awesomely.

I mean how else could I live my life?  I own it.  I'm amazing.

So I definitely deserve the cape.

This comic comes to mind:
Thank you Cyanide and Happiness!
If I have to do a little bit of everything, take care of a little bit of everyone, and do it LIKE A BOSS...

...don't I deserve a cape?

The closest thing I have to a cape in my closet is my fuzzy bathrobe.  That definitely wont work.  

At least I've got the whole, glasses/no glasses thing down.
Just a regular person, nothing to see here...

And then, suddenly......Now I'm SUPER-JENNY.

If you aren't impressed, then clearly you don't understand the magnitude of what it means to be me.

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