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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

As my health decreases, so does my tolerance. Watch out.

So it's not Mono, or Strep Throat.  It's just painful as all hell to eat, breath, swallow, talk, or just generally function. Wonderful right?  Ugh.

But I've been quite touchy today.  Not gonna lie.  I know, I blow up on a normal day.  But today my fuse is shorter, mostly because I'm in pain.

Pain does a wonderful  TERRIBLE thing for my temper.

Well.  Let's just say I didn't do too well today in Criminology.  I was seething.  I cannot stand my brain cells dying anymore.  I don't want to watch anymore movies.  How much am I paying per credit?  I don't want to think about that.

I don't want tangents, I don't want examples, I don't want jokes, I just want to get through the hour and 15 minute class without wanting to bang my head against the desk.  IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!

It just kills me because I know Criminology can be interesting.  And it's killing me to sit through the class.  I am not seeing a coherent point to the class yet.  I guess you could say I'm really disappointed because I thought it was going to be an awesome class.

There were other instances where my anger was just bubbling away under the surface: but I've decided to spare you the details.
So my life.  It's been normal yet interesting.  I got a perfect score on my Law exam.  Boo Yah!  Of course, I knew I would.  My little brother is home-schooled and I had taught him the material covered in that test over the summer.  So you could say I studied for that test all summer.  Anything less than perfect would have been embarrassing, quite frankly.

Annoying chick (in Law Class, see other posts) is still annoying, but the professor has caught on and does attempt to keep her at a dull roar now.  Thankkkk gosh.  She really needs a filter.

I played UNO with the girls last Tuesday.  Like, a week ago, I know.  But I haven't had time to write about it.

So we're playing UNO, and one of my residents keeps skipping over me and making me draw 2 and all that crap.  So I'm a little miffed.  After 3 or 4 consecutive missed turns, I started to get a little antsy.  I wanted to be a little vindictive.  But see, here's the thing.  In UNO, you can't just go and reverse the direction of play unless someone puts a "reverse" card down.  Soooo, obviously this is what I needed to enact my revenge.  In my excited state I shouted out,


Ahem.   I know, it's not very well thought out.  "This Bitch" refers to the game of UNO.  "Her" refers to my crafty resident that was beating my ass in UNO.  And "Nail Her" refers to calculated revenge involving skips and drawing of cards: ensuring her loss.

But that is not what came out.
So I guess the joke is now...."REVERSE THIS BITCH SO I CAN NAIL HER!"

That's ok, the same girl later in this game said

"I hugged a midget"

We were talking about baby goats and their cuteness. So really, the phrase was....
"I hugged a midget..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Goat."

And yeah, the pause was that long.

What else?

Oh.  Me and my "friend" (a term used loosely, even though everyone puts up with his antics) have a bad habit of matching.

Not quite as lame as these people, but close.  

It was really bad at a football game in the beginning of the season.  I had put on a nice teal/turquoise tank top and looked pretty good.

He shows up in the EXACT SAME COLOR.  No joke.  It was beyond weird.  I mean, what guy wears turquoise?

So it's now a running joke that we match all the time.  Today we were both wearing our RA hoodies, which isn't an uncommon occurrence, but had to be pointed out because of the previous matching experience.

You ever notice how these whole running jokes and inside jokes come with being social?  There's so much to maintain.  It's exhausting.

Especially when I'm in pain.

I'm running out of fuel here....

Over and out.

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