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Monday, October 10, 2011

I need 11 page-views to get 1000- Which means I'm either actually funny, or the world has no life.

And when I say the world, I mean it....
These are the stats for audience for this very blog:

United States
United Kingdom
Saint Kitts and Nevis

Who the hell is reading my blog in SLOVAKIA? ) Because I don't see how my life is entertaining to you.  But then again, painful awkwardness is funny to everyone.  Isn't that the basis of comedy, enjoying someone else's pain?

I'm not writing this from the glorious intellectual thinkpot that is Becker College, as I went home for the long weekend.  Boy was it worth it.  Firstly, if I'd stayed at Becker I might have died.  They were doing construction and took out the cable.  I don't think I could survive a boring weekend at Becker without cable, nevermind a LONG boring weekend at Becker. It just wasn't going to happen. And it would have resulted in spontaneous death, as mentioned before.  

Unfortunately, since I'm not writing from Becker, I'm at a shortage of writing material.  Usually I write a post after a particularly funny/embarrassing/horrible/angering moment that occurs at the aforementioned school.  Butttttt I'm home, so that's not going to work.  

Since I've been home I've:

-Eaten decent food
-Slept until I actually felt refreshed
-Cuddled with all of my dogs
-Gotten bitten by my evil rabbit (awww)
-Driven myself to the bank as there are CARS at home.  Cool concept, that is really.
-Gone Shopping
                          ...AND BEEN SUCCESSFUL.

The kicker with that is that I like to shop, but I really hate it.  

Confusing?  Yes I know.  So are sizes when you can be anything from a Sm-Lg or a 4 to a 9.  Really?  I wish I could walk into a store and be like: "I'M A SIZE JENNY DAMMIT."  And then they would get me things that fit and were comfortable and flattering and within my price range and in colors that I like.

But the world is not like that.

Returning to my original comment.  My love/hate relationship with shopping is completely dependent on just HOW BAD I need the things I am shopping for.

For Example:
Situation A:  I need nothing.  I try on stuff anyway.  I mean, I'm there.  Everything fits and is cheap and pretty.  YAY.

Situation B:  I need AT LEAST two pairs of jeans.  I can't find any.  There are no sales.  Nothing is in my size.  They all of ridiculous things on the back pocket (like what am I...9 years old? NO I DON'T WANT GLITTER).  I find some, only to realize that they were pt on the sale rack by mistake.  Just wonderful.  

So clearly, I love shopping when there is absolutely no pressure to actually buy anything.  I buy stuff anyways.  It's completely frivolous and I really shouldn't, but I enjoy it anyways.

But when I look for jeans, or swimsuits, or HEAVEN FORBID, bras.....it's like the entire world is working against me.  A CONSPIRACY TO KEEP ME JEAN-LESS.

One, I can't stand jean shopping.  Especially with my skinny sisters.  Literally, when I'm shopping with them I picture a funhouse mirror.  Those kinds that make you seem huge?  And there are those that make you seem skinny?  Guess who's the huge one.  Ugh.  Shopping.  

But today was different.  I wanted a pair of flats and at least one pair of jeans.

And oh hey- It worked.  I have a pair of jeans, a pair of flats, two new necklaces, and some cute earrings.  

TAKE THAT!  I will have cute clothing dammit!  Not that I'll ever wear anything above and beyond.  You can't get me out of jeans and a T-Shirt, but I can switch out my flip flops for flats.  That's ok.

Remember now,
11 page-views.  

And you know, a comment or two wouldn't hurt either. You're all lazy.

OH WAIT.  I forgot a picture, I always give a picture.....Hold on.


Here you go:

\Te he.  This makes me giggle. 

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