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Friday, April 13, 2012

Awkward Mouth-Breathing.

It's just great.  Wonderful.

Apparently I have a sinus infection.  It's what I thought was a cold until around day 10 or so of epic grossness. My mom enjoyed yelling "I TOLD YOU SO" through the phone.

I was the one nice enough to call her and tell her she was right.   So yeah.  You should be nicer about it Mom.

So it would be all well and good if I wasn't in a play this weekend.  Where I didn't have to sing.  Where I didn't  have to belt out a high note halfway through, or just belt in general.  Where I didn't have to look alive and act like I'm not a snotty mess.

But hey, I am.

So after being miserable for over a week I finally went to the doctor and got some antibiotics.  Friggen' horse pills.  They're like the size of my eyes.

....I don't have very big eyes.

But the point is they are painful to swallow when it already hurts to swallow.

At least they work.

Despite my sinus infection, I've found ways to have fun this week.  Trips to Wal-Mart are essential when putting on a play, and I had to make a stop for antibiotics and tights.

As I had just picked up my friend NICK, he was with me.  Apparently he has a thing for claw machines.  I never got into that personally.  I don't like to watch things eat my money and then, as if that wasn't bad enough, taunt me with toys that I cannot have because I have no skill.

But NICK does.  He won a bunny.  Which I claimed.  And we named "Roger" after his character in the play.

Roger, Joanne, and Bunny-Roger
Bunny Roger sings RENT songs in an annoying high pitched bunny voice.




Not Bad.

RENT is tomorrow and I had to make a bright outfit for La Vie Boheme.  Thanks for the new shirt Mom, because.....
I'm wearing it for La Vie Boheme.


That's all folks.

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