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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why I love Criminal Minds. And Spencer Reid. ...Mostly Spencer Reid.

I've mentioned this a couple times now, but I love love love Criminal Minds.  I love the predictable content of the show, because I happen to like predictable. I love the dry wit and sarcasm because that's all I have. I love the fact that they can just up and go anywhere, because their job applies everywhere.  I love that one of the prominent characters is a female who is not a size 2 and has super smart computer skills that put most men to shame.  I love that alongside super muscle dude- there's Spencer Reid who is as geeky as they come and yet it is still believable that he would be on the team. I love the limited character backgrounds because I could care less, unless of course you're talking about Spencer Reid.

Ah Spencer Reid.  I think I love his character because he's a nerd.  So am I. But that's pretty shallow.  He's a confident nerd.  He's doing well in life.  He's in the fucking FBI. How awesome is that?  His favorite phrase...."Statistically Speaking" is a cue for a fountain of knowledge that is actually applicable to the job at hand.  Most people that know a lot of statistics know them for the sheer fact of knowing them, and the statistics themselves are useless bits of information.

But mostly, I just love Spencer Reid.  Not the guy that plays him. Just Spencer Reid.

Next blog: something much deeper and more sarcastic. I promise.

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