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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Statistically Speaking....

Criminal Minds is awesome 100% of the time.
I am complaining 67% of the time. (and the next person to tell me to think positive has a 97% chance of getting slapped)
My State and Local Government teacher is a pompous, pretentious asshole 99.999999999% of the time.
And I forgot about my blog for 100% of my spring break. Whoops.

I'm going to chat it up about karma.  First, let's get something clear.  I am not religious. I do not endorse, advertise, sell, solicit, or otherwise push any religious ideas onto any reader.  Ok?

What I do believe in?  If something can go wrong, it will.  Bad luck is almost a disease.  So what do you do?

You combat it with good karma. Yup.  Just keep "knocking on wood" everyone. Compliment someone.  Maybe that tea you spilled over yourself (or that iced coffee you dropped) may have stayed safely inside its container had you been nice to someone, or at least thought nice about someone.  I mean, we can't go complimenting everyone, everyday, for everything.  Then we'd be a creep. And there are just too many of those in the world.

If you're an asshole to someone, please be careful on the stairs.  The bad karma you created makes you liable to fall down the stairs, or worse (shame on you!) get a papercut.  You have to be pretty nasty to get a paper cut.  And if you fall down the stairs and take someone out with you, it's ok.  They probably were an asshole (at some point, there doesn't seem to be an expiration date)

Who knows what horrible things I've been doing for my bad luck. That's not the point. My point is, what if someone else's bad luck becomes your good luck? It's happened to me.  What if, in a bad decision, someone talked down to you? Told you EXACTLY why you should be disappointed, because OF COURSE they are better than you.  And your predicted disappointment turned out to be sweet sweet victory.  Maybe boasting is exactly what you need to do to fail miserably.  So when you think your crap doesn't stink, don't tell it to someone else.  Especially when that someone else is in competition with you. That is just asking for karma to shit on your life.  And that shit does stink.

Moral of the Story.  You being an asshole= me WINNING LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN.

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