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Thursday, February 24, 2011

12,89453 little things definitely make a big deal.

You know those little things in life, the little inconveniences, that you would never notice if they stood alone? Like a paper cut, losing paperwork, tripping, dropping a drink, burning your tongue on tea, etc?  Do you know what happens when they all happen together.  My life. That's what.

They say these things happen in three's. I'll tell you right now that's bulls***.  Maybe, these things happen 3 weeks at a time. That might work. 

Who here has recently woken up, and immediately stepped on a thumbtack? I want to see a show of hands.  Just this girl right here? Yeah. I thought so.  How about burnt your tongue so bad on tea you couldn't taste for 2 days...or broken your glasses, stubbed your toe, or missed the bus?  I particularly enjoyed getting my feet caught in my sheets and falling out of my bed onto the floor fully awake and aware. (Disclaimer: actual level of enjoyment may differ, according to level of sarcasm).

I know that there are those that will say that "these things happen for a reason".  So I either have really bad karma for 12,932 little indiscretions, or I kicked babies in a past life. One or the other.  Yeah, I'm not a particularly nice person, but I do have standards.  If these things happen for a reason, I have yet to figure it out.

I should have a sign that says "Bad Luck: approach at your own risk".  Who knows how much this has rubbed off on other people.  I'm a dangerous person! 

So far, we're a month into the bad luck streak....soon I'll start taking bets on the next time I'll fall/stub a toe/get a papercut/trip down the stairs/etc.  Any takers?

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