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Monday, August 27, 2012

It's that time of year again...

So I didn't post about RA training.  I know, weird right?  I think I actually just enjoyed it a lot more this year than any other year.  Figures.  Need posting material, NONE FOR ME.


I mean, there was definitely funny moments.  But usually it's my frustration that causes me to turn to my blog and vent.

Not so much this time.

In fact, about 5 days into training, I get a call from my mom.  She's calling because I haven't called her since returning to school and usually by this time she would have had three calls about how frustrating training was and dammit I don't want to do another icebreaker.

But that didn't happen this year.

Except for the icebreakers.  Enough people.  Enough.

Camp was even fun.  Camp!  I was even a vacuum cleaner, and I did the giant swing.

And screamed bloody, bloody murder for the first 15 seconds, but hey, I did it.

No, I'm not going to explain the vacuum cleaner thing, and stop it you dirty minded college kids.  Ew.  That's totally not how RA training rolls.

On a related note:

RA training does roll with BCD's.

Oh BCD's.

For those of you who don't know, BCD stands for behind-closed-doors and is an RA training role-play scenario.

Last year I had to be a panicky friend of a girl OD-ing.  Not so much fun.

This year, I had to play a very very drunk girl coming back from the club.

MUCH more fun.

So me and my fellow actress start our scene stumbling up the stairs.  It's great, I totally dressed up so I'm in a short little dress and heels.  Sometimes when I stumble I'm not acting, but it's ok.

I decided I was going to be a loud, happy, boisterous drunk and started singing a song that's been on the radio fairly often: Whistle by Flo Rida.

If you've heard the song, you know it's one big innuendo.

So I'm trying to whistle, (and failing, because HELLO, drunk girl)  and I stop, realize what I'm singing, and yell out:


I don't know how many people cracked up at that, but I was allowed to laugh so it was fun.  I even turned right to the campus police officer that was watching BCD's and said it to his face before stumbling down the hall singing (badly) and swinging into my "room" for the scene.

Once in my room I played up the just-wants-to-throw-up-and-go-to-bed-thing, while the RA's tried to get past my trusty friend.

My poor friend acting in the next room had to be "depressed", and when she would hear my over-exaggerated gagging and retching in the conjoining bathroom and everyone would look over.

Sorry, good job keeping a straight face.  Gold star.

I would then proceed to pass out in the bathroom.  Good times, in the words of one of my favorite people.  GT's.

End Scene, lets do it all again.

But now RA training is over, and it's the first day of classes.  I have two classes with the exact same professor back to back, so I just got the same spiel twice.  Awesome.

But hey, being a senior and all, I know most of the people in my classes and there's none of that awkwardness.

Which if you know me, is definitely saying something.

Ugh, more later.  Gotta get back into the habit, gotta get my writing material.  I'm back at school, so be prepared.

The posts are coming.


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