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Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'm so excited.

Let me explain why this is indeed, strange.

RA training used to feel akin to pulling splinters out of my nailbeds with my teeth.

I was, and kinda still am, very horribly bad at handling icebreakers.

Yeah, sure, I enjoyed my friends.  I'm not a people person, and never will be an extrovert, but hey, I still have awesome friends.  They like me despite these things.

But at the same time parts of RA training made me feel awkward, exposed and ragged.

That's pretty much changed.

(Except for the icebreakers.  I still think food and movies suffice.)

But now I feel more comfortable and confident.  I trust the other staff to understand when I can't quite handle the overly social-touchy-feely stuff.  They get me.

Not only that, but I've noticed that my talents are appreciated.  RA of the Year over here.  I guess I'm just glad I could receive that kind of recognition while holding onto my distinct style.

No, I'm never going to be a bubbly cheerleader.

Yes, I respect the hell out of the bubbly cheerleader on staff. She's one of my favorite people.

I haven't felt so part of a community since marching band in high school.  And even then, I don't think I could count nearly as many band members as my closest friends as I can the people that are (or were) on the RA staff.

You guys should feel special.

I'm going into my senior year of college.  It's scary.  But I get to start it slow, surrounded by people I trust, and covered in tiny bits of tissue paper as I let the craft fiend in me take over to redecorate Lane.

It's like a tissue paper explosion over here.

Less than 2 weeks left!

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